Zonta Club of Wynnum Redland Inc holds public forum on modern slavery

On 30 July, the Zonta Club of Wynnum Redland Inc, Australia, hosted a public forum on modern slavery in its community at the Redlands Indigiscape Center in Capalaba.


The objective of the public forum was to point out that modern slavery is all around us. In a country such as Australia, one would not think that modern slavery occurs like it does in so many other countries, but it does. Modern slavery is a term given to the severe exploitation of other people for personal or commercial gain.


Examples include a person forced to work for free to pay off a debt, forced marriage, people forced to work through violence and intimidation, human trafficking and servitude. All these situations are considered modern slavery and, under Australian law, are serious crimes.


Speakers for this event were from Freedom Hub and the Australian Federal Police.


Voicing to its community that we are all in this together, the club urges everyone to help stop this dreadful activity from happening to voiceless individuals behind the closed doors of many homes and businesses.