The Conference of INGOs at the CoE adopts the Recommendation on Equality between Women and Men

In view of the recent setbacks and push backs in women’s rights, the Conference of INGOs felt the urgent need to request the organs of the Council of Europe and the members States to take all measures to preserve the existing achievements in the field of gender equality and to implement requirements of the Istanbul Convention and other CoE instruments, the member States have signed and ratified.

The Recommendation is also referring to international treaties like CEDAW and the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action and is thus joining forces with groundbreaking instruments fighting for women’s rights and gender equality.

The Conference of INGOs adopted the Recommendation on Equality between Women and Men on his autumn session from 28-31 October 2019 in Strasbourg.

The Conference of INGOs is the fourth pillar of the CoE and the chief body representing INGOs with participatory status, the official voice of Europe’s civil society. The Conference of INGO encompasses 320 INGOs.

Zonta International is member of the Conference and Zonta's representative is officially invited to speak at the INGOs meetings. The Recommendation was supported by Zonta International.

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