It is in the heart of every Zonta member to be an advocate for gender equality.
As a member of Zonta, you gain expanded knowledge of global issues that women and girls are facing today.
Below is a list of current resources that has been shared with us from like-minded organizations.

While Zonta claims no rights to the linked work, we encourage members to use best judgement when reading and using the information to advance Zonta's mission.



  • Progress on the Sustainable Development GoalsUN Women
    The report, jointly produced by UN Women and the UN Statistics Division, presents the latest evidence on gender equality across all 17 Goals, calling out the long road ahead to achieve gender equality. It emphasizes the interlinkages among the goals, the pivotal force gender equality plays in driving progress across the SDGs, and women’s and girls’ central role in leading the way forward.
  • The Power of Data to Action — Together for Girls
    This report summarizes the first comprehensive review of country experiences in transforming Violence Against Children and Youth Survey (VACS) results into concrete sex- and age-specific improvements for children and young people and into responses to gender-based violence. The analysis synthesizes the views of 225 stakeholders across 20 countries, providing insights into key areas of post-VACS efforts, which are presented in the findings section of this report.
  • CSW67 Priority Theme Survey — NGO CSW
    For CSW67, the Advocacy & Research Group (ARG) is focusing on consulting with the global, grassroots community to understand their lived experiences that pertain to the CSW67 theme on innovation and technological change. Read the results of a survey send by the ARG for a regional breakdown of the data and the community's top concerns relating to digital technology and women's rights and empowerment.
  • Safe to Learn Strategy 2021-2024 End Violence Against School Children
    Education can transform societies – it can mitigate the harmful impact from violence at home, in communities and support continued learning during conflicts. Evidence and data has clearly shown that violence in and around schools – in its various forms – has detrimental impacts on a child’s well-being and educational attainment.
  • USA Advisory Council on Human Trafficking 2022 Report — U.S. Department of State
    Marginalized communities and underserved populations may be targeted by traffickers because so many members of those communities lack basic human rights and access to employment, education, and other supports. The report highlights several pull and push factors—systemic, cultural, and societal root causes—that leave people vulnerable to exploitation and trafficking.
  • The Future of Progress 2022 Report - Halfway into the SDG's Gates Foundation
    Each year, this report attempts to answer the question, “How is the world doing?” reporting the trajectory of human progress; however, there are two important things no data point in this report fully reflects: crisis and innovation.
  • Education Under AttackGlobal Coalition to Protect Education from Attack 
  • In 2020 and 2021, the Global Coalition to Protect Education from Attack (GCPEA) identified over 5,000 reported attacks on education and cases of military use of schools and universities. Over 9,000 students and educators were abducted, arbitrarily arrested, injured, or killed in these events. By comparison, in 2018 and 2019, GCPEA collected over 4,300 reported incidents of attacks on education and military use that harmed approximately 9,400 students and educators. 
  • Generation Equality Accountability Report 2022 — Generation Equality
    This report assesses the bold efforts of the Generation Equality Forum to respond to deficits in the tangible progress needed for women and girls to enjoy their rights and accelerate progress.
  • Accelerating Efforts to Tackle Online and Technology Facilitated Violence Against Women and GirlsUN Women
    2022 - Violence against women and girls (VAWG) in digital contexts is not a new phenomenon, however it has rapidly escalated in the shadows of the COVID-19 pandemic as women’s lives shifted online for work, education, access to services, and social activities. While there continue to be significant gaps in data, this global report suggests that prevalence ranges from 16% to 58%.