Zonta Club of Dhaka IV hosts a Climate Change Awareness and Advocacy session

On 14 August 2021, The Zonta Club of Dhaka IV held a Climate Change Awareness and Advocacy program with students and their mothers who are a part of the Education project at the Gulshan Ladies Community Club. Those in the Education project are migrant single mothers and widows.

The club members conducted a case study on the level of knowledge and awareness of climate change of the students’ mothers. The case study focused on three questions: What is Climate Change? What are some of the adverse effects of climate change? And how can you as an individual minimize the effect of climate change?

After the case study, the club members briefly discussed the importance of health check-ups, menstrual management, and maintaining overall good hygiene. They also touched on the power of education for young girls and the prevention of child marriage. The program also highlighted the country’s recent awareness and prevention of COVID-19, dengue, and chikungunya.

At the end of the program, the club distributed food and cleansers to the participants and instructed the students to write an essay on climate change to further their understanding. They hope the participants will incorporate what they learned into their daily lives.